Succeed in Facilitation
Group decision making is difficult. This training introduces a unique model created by Grape People to facilitate group decision making. It is based on deep dialogue combined with a structured process to make concrete group decisions.
Succeed in Facilitation
This facilitation training gives you a simple and effective framework for designing workshops and the best tools for each stage to guarantee your workshop success. This course is a great way to learn how to succeed in facilitation. Welcome aboard!
What you'll learn:
- The principles of facilitation:
- the role of the facilitator
- creating and choosing ideas (emergence and convergence)
- stages of a workshop
- MeWeUs -tool that gets everyone engaged
- How to successfully plan and facilitate workshops
- Applying facilitation in organizational development
What you'll get:
13 videos with everything you need know to facilitate a workshop
Workshop design structure
Detailed instructions on how to facilitate each stage of a workshop
Downloads with case examples
CSA Facilitated Workshop Model is the backbone of our training. Most people working with groups know a few group tools, but rarely can use these tools to plan and execute a workshop that creates understanding, commitment, and concrete action. We use a simple three stage workshop structure called CSA. The words come from Clarifying, Solutions and Action. We start by Clarifying the problem or goal, continue by finding best Solutions and finish by making a concrete Action plan; what, who, when. The workshop structure is straightforward and not too complicated for the workshop participants to understand and follow. This training gives you the best group methods to facilitate the CSA stages and detailed instructions that help you facilitate your own workshop with success.

The training consists of five lessons that are designed to take five weeks. However, if you are in a hurry to learn, you may choose your own pace.
Here are Three Benefits
of the Program:

Group skills
In this training you learn to make decisions in a group and to manage group dynamics. Skills that are needed in every organisation

Efficient meetings
and workshops
Organisations and individuals tend to waste a lot of time in unefficient meetings. This training does not only help you hold better meetings but it helps you create better understanding and commitment

For the organisation, better facilitation skills mean better communication, efficient problem solving and ability to adopt faster to environmental changes
Course designer
Our online course is created by the skilled facilitors of Grape People. Grape People is a Finnish company established in 2003 by a team of facilitation pioneers. We develop organisations through facilitation and workshops that promote communication and participation. We are experts in group processes, tools and frameworks that create and sustain global learning organisations.

Pepe Nummi
Pepe Nummi has led international and virtual teams since 1990 and worked as a facilitator since 1998. Pepe is a facilitation trailblazer and is one of the founders of the company Grape People, which focuses on facilitation training and services for businesses around the world and served as the inaugural chairman of the Finnish Association of Facilitators. On top of all of this, Pepe is the developer of the ‘idealogue’ method, and is the author of The Handbook on Facilitation, The Handbook of Virtual Facilitation, and Beyond Brainstorming - Idealogue. Over the course of his long career, he has provided facilitation services in over 20 countries, and trained over 15,000 facilitators.
Get to know PepeFacilitator Certification Program
Our Facilitator Certification Program equips you with the skills to design and lead effective workshops and meetings. As a certified facilitator, you will be able to demonstrate the core competencies of a group leader! You will understand what a facilitator is and when to facilitate, choose the right tools for creating and selecting ideas, visualise ideas, creating an environment for productive collaboration, and so much more!
Learn more
Grape People Finland Oy
Tel: +358 41 537 4757
Email: [email protected]
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